Enter a full IP address or any part of a hostname (If you have hostname resolution enabled) to locate a visitor that matches.


No matching visitors.

"; showSearchForm(); exit; } } else { if (!isset($_GET['ID']) || empty($_GET['ID'])) { showSearchForm(); } } if (empty($_GET)) { $sql=sprintf($sql, "", "h.time DESC"); $result=mysql_query($sql); print "

Or, browse recent visitors:

"; } if ($result) { if (mysql_num_rows($result)>$vs_maxRows) { multiPageLinks($start, mysql_num_rows($result), $vs_maxRows, 'vs_visitor.php?s='.urlencode($s).'&start=%d'); $sql.=" LIMIT {$start}, {$vs_maxRows}"; $result=mysql_query($sql); } print ""; $i=0; while ($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { //strip off the max-concat trick part $row['firstPage']=wrapURL(substr($row['firstPage'], strpos($row['firstPage'], '=')+1)); $row['lastPage']=wrapURL(substr($row['lastPage'], strpos($row['lastPage'], '=')+1)); if ($row['firstPage']==$row['lastPage']) $row['lastPage']=''; $class="zebra".(int)(0==$i++%3); $row['host']=str_replace('.', '.', $row['host']); print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; if (!empty($row['host'])) $row['host']="({$row['host']})"; print ""; print ""; } print "
Last TimeDurationFirst PageLast PageHost 
{$row['time']} {$row['dur']}{$row['firstPage']}{$row['lastPage']}".long2ip($row['ip'])."{$row['host']}
"; exit; } if (isset($_GET['ID'])) $visitor['ID']=mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['ID'], $vs_dbLink); $clause=''; if (isset($_GET['sess'])) { $_GET['sess']=mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sess'], $vs_dbLink); $clause="AND h.visitorSession={$_GET['sess']}"; } $sql="SELECT v.ID, v.ip, v.host, c.name as country, MAX(h.time) AS visitTime, h.visitorSession AS session, b.ua FROM {$vs_dbPrefix}visitor v, {$vs_dbPrefix}hit h, {$vs_dbPrefix}browser b LEFT JOIN {$vs_dbPrefix}country c ON v.countryID=c.ID WHERE v.ID={$visitor['ID']} AND h.visitorID=v.ID AND h.browserID=b.ID {$clause} AND h.userID={$vs_user} GROUP BY v.ID"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $visitor=mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $visitor['ip']=long2ip($visitor['ip']); if (empty($visitor['host'])) $visitor['host']=gethostbyaddr($visitor['ip']); ?>

Here's the things I know about this visitor:

IP Address:
Most recent visit:

All sessions:

', $row['page']); $row['refDisp']=preg_replace('/([\/&])/', '$1', $row['ref']); $class="zebra".(int)(0==$i++%3); print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "\n"; $visitor['session']=$row['visitorSession']; } ?>
 Start timeDurationEntry pageReferrer

Session {$visitor['session']}:"; print ""; ?>